Flint the Time Detective Wiki

Album cover

Space-Time Detective - ioriginal soundtrack (時空探偵ゲンシクン ― オリジナル・サウンドトラックだっチ!) was the original sound track of Space-Time Detective Genshi-kun and was a 42 track CD.


Japanese title is listed first, then a translation, followed by a description of the music. Most music is intrumental although a few lyric-based songs exist on the album.

  1. パワーなきもち(朝倉ゆかり)/The Power of Feelings:
    the main theme tune of the series. This was featured also in episode 39 when Flint defeats the Time Shifters in their bad transformations for the last time.
  2. ゲンシのテーマ/Genshi theme:
    Flint's theme tune, it was used numerous times throughout the series when Flint was pushing back.
  3. 日常/Daily:
    A comical "everyday life" tune.
  4. 喜び/Joy:
    a light-hearted "happy" tune played whenever the mood of a scene was "happy".
  5. 登校/School:
    A casual tune used for when Flint and the Goodman twins were at schoool.
  6. 緊張/Tension:
    a eerie sounding tune meant to indicate the mood was tense in a scene.
  7. 謎/Mystery:
    a creepy tune with many panning sounds designed to create a sense of mystery in a scene.
  8. 時空の彼方へ(ゲンシクン,ソラ,トキオ,オトタン,プーちゃん:ゆきじ,水樹奈々,立木文彦,森田千明,西村ちなみ)/Beyond Time and Space:
    sung by the main cast + others, it is played whenever Flint goes on a mission. It is also the last outro song played in the series. It talks about how Flint wonders what new friends and adventure awaits him.
  9. 都市1/Urban 1:
    is a tense "tribal" sounding tune.
  10. 企み/designing:
    a busy sounding tune with a faster tempo then most of the other intrumental tracks.
  11. 古今東西FOR MYSELF(TPレディ,ダイナ,マイト:冬馬由美,上田佑司,茶風林)/Now and Then, East and West, FOR MYSELF:
    Petra Fina Dagmar's theme tune. She, Dino and Mite sing this together. It is featured in her introduction in Episode 1. It explains that Petra wants everything for herself and has a steady up beat tune.
  12. コミカル
  13. 追跡
  14. 逃げろ
  15. 時空モンスター2タッチ
  16. 戦闘4
  17. 時空モンスター1
  18. 戦闘1
  19. 勝利
  20. 光り輝く1
  21. せつなく
  22. 君ってWinking Shining Star(ゲンシクン,ソラ,トキオ:ゆきじ,水樹奈々,森田千明)
  23. 優しい
  24. ほのぼの
  25. とんちんかん
  26. 不安 Listen
  27. 不気味な
  28. パニック
  29. 都市2
  30. 時空モンスター3タッチ
  31. 戦闘3
  32. 時空モンスター4タッチ
  33. 戦闘2
  34. タイムアップ
  35. 脱出
  36. 光り輝く2
  37. 寂しい
  38. 悲しい
  39. 希望
  40. 凱旋
  41. もしも……(飯塚雅弓)
  42. きらきら(水野愛日)